Oerlikon Skynex® SkyKnight Missile Launcher Unit      

Quelle(n)/Source(s): Rheinmetall Website

Die neue SkyKnight C-RAM / C-PGM Lenkwaffe kann in bestehende Flugabwehrsysteme integriert werden. Sie ergänzt kanonenbasierte Systeme und ist in der Lage Sättigungsangriffe effektiv zu bekämpfen. Um Kosten zu sparen werden durch die Berechnung des Einschlagpunktes nur Ziele angegriffen, welche in zu schützende Bereiche einschlagen würden.
The new HALCON SkyKnight C-RAM / C-PGM missile is designed to be integrated into the Skynex air defence system. It complements cannon based systems and is capable of countering saturation attacks effectively. For cost effectiveness, the system will only attack targets with a pre-calculated point of impact within the protected area.
  • C-RAM and C-PGM capability
  • Maximum operating distance: 10km
  • Flexible target designation with 3D search radar
  • Up to 60 missiles per launcher for countering saturation attacks
  • All-weather capability
  • C-RAM and C-PGM capability
  • Maximum operating distance: 10km
  • Flexible target designation with 3D search radar
  • Up to 60 missiles per launcher for countering saturation attacks
  • All-weather capability